Tuesday, May 4, 2021

*HISTORIANS ATTENTION : Same objects, different names, different purposes.

 Today I use two different books to illustrate how the same object can have a different name and a different purpose and yet for  one of   the names and purposes remain relatively obscure in the Textile History books .

The books we are using as reference are ,



The Complete Book of  Decorative Knots is a book of excellent quality aimed at teaching anyone with any skill level how to use ropes and yarn to make decorative knots and mats , while providing guidance on the purpose of the knots and historical background. The guidance further extends to directing the reader to institutions like Museums and the International Guild of Knot Tyers which aim at bringing the knotters work to the public and helping them progress in career and make friends.

Is something anyone can look into , as a hobby or as a profession, with great benefit for mental health and bringing something different to one's household , like a rug , a mat or a wall decoration. Is also a source of knowledge useful for scouts and crafters.

The Buttonhooks- A Guide for the Collector is a mini booklet aimed at helping the collector identify the period, material, utility and patents registration for button hooks .  Is accessible for anyone and invites the readers to join the Buttonhook Society by writing ' to the Secretary , Paul Moorehead, at Cherrybank, 83 Loose Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 7 DA'. 

On page 38 under the Section ' Buttoners' , which the author declares she is the one who discovered the Patent Number 1734 , 23rd of January 1907,  the second, third and fourth buttoner pictured left to right  are identical to Geoffrey Budworth tool ' Wire Tool' listed and described on page 18 of the Complete Book of Decorative Knots under the heading 'Tools -available from crafts shops'.

Above picture of the books in question for comparison of objects of study

Above picture of page 19 of THE COMPLETE BOOK OF DECORATIVE KNOTS  by Geoffrey Budworth

Above page 38 of  BUTTONHOOKS - A GUIDE FOR THE COLLECTIOR by Jackie Booker 

Above page 18-19 of THE COMPLETE BOOK OF DECORATIVE KNOTS  by Geoffrey Budworth

Above page 20 of THE COMPLETE BOOK OF DECORATIVE KNOTS  by Geoffrey Budworth

I recommend Arthur Beale shop for wire loops and splicing needles, 

And for crocheted hair wigs, Ali Express wholesaler,

For splicing needle with hook, I recommend Pecheur 

For wire loop I recommend Electro prime shop 

If using the wire loop for bobbin threading , I recommend Taimen shop 

The collector Jackie Booker , author of the Buttonhooks - A Guide for the Collector - mentions that people sometimes erroneously ask if button hooks were used for crochet or lace,

 " Oher educated guesses as to what my buttonhooks are include : needlework tools, crochet hooks ( a common remark) , " something for netting" , and horror of horrors , abortion instruments" 
                                                                                              in page 3 

The co-founder of the International Guild of Tyers, Geoffrey Budworth, did not dwell into the historical origin of the use of the tools he uses in his craft, however, the book has a very strong informative historical component in the section of knots and mats. 

The author also shares some mat patterns which are quite useful for someone interested in making stunning rope mats like the ones below

What is your opinion regarding this post ? Comment below. 

Thank you for reading,

Best wishes,


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