Friday, April 30, 2021

* Ariane Brief video notes regarding two retractable needles


The two retractable needles above have specific features that lead me to believe that the manufacturer could have commissioned the needles for different shops.

At the moment is early to say. Bear with me as I do this in my spare time.

 Also my autistic son is behind the camera  and though in the beginning he is making noises he stops and listens because those noises are his way of asking for audible stimulation. Fascinating , and a very unique mind of his own. We at home are used to , really welcome his noises and accommodate his dietary needs, tantrums, in every way possible because his happiness is our happiness. 

Will update with notes on needles in due time. 

Best wishes, 


Got a gift in the post from Palm Beach, USA!


When I thought that life really sucks for people who try to stop drinking coffee in the morning ( I tried, but gave up today!)

Well when I thought life really sucks , I got a gift from Palm Beach US. The goodies were included in the registration and though I missed wearing the event personalized  t-shirt, mask, handshake toy, hand sanitizer, pen and notebook, still is magical to get something in the post in the shape of a gift.

Blog Disclaimer : Ariane was wearing New Look dress below and Marks and Spencer jacket. This is not an advertisement nor formula how to spoil ........ or get the look . ;)

Blog Disclaimer : Ariane drinks Lavazza coffee, made in the cafeteria, really strong roast, five as number of fact, very addictive so if you are not a coffee drinker do not try it at home or at work but enjoy the thought! 

Best wishes,


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

ARIANE CRAFTS CROCHET HOOK in transit for further information

 After close observation I decided to send this crochet hook to an institution to request the object age determination.

I was plainly convinced that this was a vintage brass crochet hook because it is not yellow enough to be gold and because of the material properties. Also the finish of the hook seemed modern or not artisan.

However, the hook has minimal polish marks throughout and what I thought was a pewter mark is a clear Silversmith punched mark.

The value of the crochet hook  is insignificant as most antique crochet hooks, just simply nothing of interest and if it was a true antique would not be valuable except for being an object of study and reference .

I was caught by surprise as I never looked at this crochet hook as something artisan, but rather something of 20 to 30 years old and plain reproduction. Not convinced is not so , so I am sending it out for further information.

Best wishes,



Ariane Crafts Blog is happy to confirm that one of the crochet hooks available for loan outs has identifier of year and city as DUBLIN 1770.

Above middle : Crochet hook in mention in this post. 

 Best wishes,



Our Blog is ready to confirm that three lots of paired tools for study will be 'put on loan' ( loans out).

Can you guess how old are these tools?

Best wishes,


Monday, April 26, 2021

Crochet hook inventions are not something from a far away past!

A decade ago, Bonnie Kellogg ,  registered her Fix a Stitch crochet needle device and method for repairing knitted garments

Her item sells under the name Fix-A - Stitch and receives fantastic reviews like the review by the Knitter's Review dated 2015  .

We tend to think that all inventions are back in a far distant past but that is not the case, people are always inventing new methods, and brands out of necessity to simplify their lives.

What about you, what would you invent today to make your life easier?

Best wishes,


Sunday, April 25, 2021

​I will write your songs


​Song title: White Dwarf Star I am!

Chorus: She is taking my peace of mind, she is taking my piece of heart (your endless women always win!)

All I wanted was right beside me
Until I started losing my sleep
All I wanted baby was right here
-All that I wanted was you.

The stars stopped filling our skies
All above you were dreamy clouds
Calling her name as you fell asleep
Right beside me while shooting for the stars!

There is no other star that shines for you
As my moon made you my sun
In what was once our solar system.
If your dreams were not a comet
Would have they not taken you away
From the gravitational force you got us in
Pulsing your light like my heart pulsed
Harder every time I saw her click like on your posts,

Every time you had a new story
For how both of you met
On the cloudiest day of our lives-
On the coldest day of my life.
And once saturated the clouds we cried
All along the journey where the sun died out

Off the longest night in our solar system
Where another dead star came
To die in our solar system

Because I can no longer tolerate
The betrayal of a rising sun
Who hurt me, the only star who cared:
White dwarf star I am!

Ariane Brito , I will write your songs

Friday, April 23, 2021

New Acquisition for study loans to institutions and ARIANE CRAFTS BLOG related study


Dear all,

Look what arrived today in the post as I was on my way to the surgery. This item saved me the ride as I ended up calling and being told someone with my symptoms should self isolate. 

Observations posts will follow in due course,

Best wishes,


Thursday, April 22, 2021

The US is leading the successful Cov-19 Vaccination Campaign



Cov-19 pandemic has brought many community leaders from different faiths and ethnicities to partner with the US Health State Department in the vaccines distribution campaign.

The Community leaders are not just fighting resentment in their own communities, they are also fighting prejudice and stigma related to being sick during a pandemic, out of work or subject to vaccines rumoured to be G5 satellites, brain controllers, etc.

Cov-19 vaccines are nothing of the above, but yes a blessing and luxury item to Americans as saves many lives and is not available in most parts of the world. Johnson and Johnson is an American pearl in its own and to be honest I would love to get it as I am scared of developing Astra Zeneca vaccine related blood cloths.

I was fortunate enough today to hear from the major players in the Distribution of Cov-19 Vaccines in the US. The State Department

Let's keep those losing their lives to Cov-19 in our prayers.

Best wishes,


Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

What is that rat doing in my yarn?


What is that rat doing in my yarn? It's not Lady Mouse as we have Kitty at home - the mouse would simply not last! Confused? Well, I smell a rat! 


Monday, April 19, 2021


When I read this book I was very touched  with the lovely words addressed to the feminine gender until I took notice that E. Lebure stands  for Ernest , a man's first name.

The relevance and intentions of preliminary statements like this below ,

"Our aim, moreover, is not only to give instruction by a record of facts, but, above all , to centre interest upon the rôle which woman's labour plays in the artistic productions of the world. And the temptation presents itself of inquiring whether it is not rather by the needle and the bobbin than by the brush , the graver, or the chisel , etc. , that the influence of woman should assert itself in the arts ."

Hell is full of good intentions, goes the old saying, but so is now a cliché the statement of bloggers and historians " Please note the old views expressed by the authors and artefacts do not reflect the views of our institution."

Not subscribing to the acceptability of both old and contemporary sayings above is more more in line with my values expressed in this blog , but subscribing to the belief that where women are promoted is where we should focus our work, is in line with the values of Ariane Crafts blog and don't contradict the many men's authors and crafters books featured in our book reviews.

Is a way of saying what I wrote about before, that when women are named and featured in the production of something is a victory, because for many centuries women were not referred as the authors, were not mentioned as the producers of commercial items and were not named by name as  the producer.

This book is therefore very valuable and worst reading online, in a local library or at home.  I find of particular importance how this writer when writing about Lace history wrote about national trade, about international trade and fashion, without even knowing the importance these details would have today in 2021 , because his purpose was to talk about lace and yet he provided valuable historical information on the supply chain of embroidery and lace among the most opulent classes and how the demand allowed women financial empowerment, travelling and settings where men lace makers worked alongside women lace makers.

For someone who when growing up was shown in history classes paintings of  women-only lace working groups and no men, this book showed me  a different reality, way more accurate, where men and women alike design and make embroidery and lace throughout different centuries and both are included in relevant transitions of economic and social periods where the expansion of the market and competition with goods from abroad, leads to machinery introduction, even prior to the automated, men handled , human power sourced machinery.

The book is written in a romantic manner, by that I mean that the historic content is enriched and  embellished with compliments, nationalist nuances, heroic versions of events according to his own national identity, 

The plates included in this book are inclusive of other cultures like African Egyptian culture , he places great focus in naming designers commissioned to the elites, he describes in detail ventures, fashions and ways of thinking particular to certain European cultures using as evidence  magazines, journals, old sayings and poetry, gossip and painting of public figures using particular laces according to the period he describes.

The continuity of his historical account of events is linear without gaps , by that I mean that throughout the book he provides primary and secondary sources to base his chronological progression and socio economic account of the production and purpose of embroidery and lace making, never leaving out the agent of production.

The agent of production methods of production are also very relevant in indicating progression and complete transition of historical periods that today many historians and writers seems to ignore and continuously portray the British lace market as a sponger of colonies lace and embroideries, when in fact the embroidery and lace production has been a means to an end for many families in Ireland and the United Kingdom.

This negative image today is also exploited in modern embroidery and lace industries with media channels constantly referring to the lace industry as India and China sweat shops , when in reality the making of lace and embroidery is not alien nor external to the local fashion industries and local crafts groups.

Ignoring design and original character is another trait which I identify in many historians, writers and bloggers which raises the question if people dedicated to 2021 real world can tell the difference between Dorset and Buckinghamshire lace. 

This book I reviewed will not teach anyone the difference between British local lace fashions and modes of production but will give an accurate account of the development and transition from a branch of embroidery to lace and how British and French relations were vital to Europe's economy during peace times and during times when both nations were in opposite sides of deadly wars.

Thank you for reading,

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Best wishes,


* Ariane 's 1880 Object observations


Observations collected  by Ariane , ARIANE CRAFTS

Object: The "Kaurkuk" Cork Handle Crochet Hook

Particularities:  1. Box has a logo with patent number 

2. Logo has identical leafing to 1887  unpatented  Pin Needle Case by Morris and Yeoman

3. Pin needle cases by Morris and Yeomans with same registered address as object of study

4. Crochet hooks have different lengths, different thickness of handle and of needles which also have different correspondent numbers  suitable of thread to be used.

5. As per 4 

6. Patent registration number on corked hook handles.

7. The difference of length and width of needles is visible to the eye

8. Visual comparison between a present crochet hook ( 1.0mm) and the biggest crochet hook in the  Kaurkuk. Naked eye observation : Biggest crochet hook in  Kaurkuk set would correspond today to 0.72 mm

9. Visual comparison between Victorian tambour needle and the  Kaurkuk. needles. Naked eye observation : Victorian tambour needle is thicker than  Kaurkuk. needles and correspondent to our days 1.0 mm crochet hooks needles.

10. Visual comparison between Victorian tambour needle and  Kaurkuk. needles from brass fitting to tip of needle , excluding any observations of length of handles.

11. Visual comparison between the  Kaurkuk. needles and a 18th century silver crochet hook with mother of pearl handle. Observation registered: 11.1.same metal purity and shine 11.2. 18th century crochet hook was handmade and has very sharp pointed top and tip of curved hook, while with regards to the  Kaurkuk. needles only the finest needle ( for same thread as shuttle tatting) has a sharped end and  sharped tip of hook.

12. Comparison of needles width with a 18th century mother of pearl crochet hook. Note how distinctive the hooks at the time were and how the 18th century needle hook is equivalent to 1.00 mm crochet hook of today( still bigger than any of the three  Kaurkuk. needles)

13. Comparison between shape of the hook of  Kaurkuk. needles with 1.00 mm needles of today. Relevance : Industrial machine made polishing ("finish") of the metal.

14. As per 13:  machine made indications.

15. As per 13 : Machine-made indications.

16. Two unpatented needle boxes above and  Kaurkuk. Cork Handle Crochet Hooks set below.

17. Random observations based on books and official documents published at the time

17.1. Women used the lace made/created  with these fine needles for execution of fine borders applied to general household items like bedding and table linen. 

17.2 Morris and Yeoman exported their products to the US ,  Canada and Australia and registered their needle patents in other countries. 

Below patent registrations from Australia 1906 


Canadian Patent Office Record. (1919). Canada: (n.p.).

18 Had their needles featured in Vol.8 of the 1860 publication of the British Royal Society of Arts.

19. The Kaurkuk  Cork Handle Crochet Hook was not an original design  material, as there is evidence that Irish women used bent needles inserted into corks .

20.  The Kaurkuk Cork Handle Crochet Hook was preceded by 
20.1 Non patented products of Morris and Yeoman as THE KENSINGTON KNITTING PIN AND NEEDLE CASE, THE FORGET ME NOT KNITTING PIN AND NEEDLE CASE and unbranded needle boxes 
20.2. Non warranted fabric, cardboard and velvet needle cases were not sold alongside patented but preceded patented and warranted products 

Above : Unwarranted Morris and Yeoman needle case
Above : Warranted Morris and Yeoman needle case owned by Etsy user 

21. Morris and Yeoman were in a highly competitive environment of needles manufacture and exports which can be factually pointed by listing the extensive crochet hook needles patent applications by other competitors in the UK and abroad.

22. THE KAURKUK is suitable for crochet lace. For needlepoint lace which precedes crochet lace historically , please refer to other posts in this blog.

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Thank you for reading,

Best wishes,


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