Wednesday, June 23, 2021

America Horror nearing the Border is partying on Pininterest. No comment!


Is rather sad that someone with only Embroidery oriented pins had to see these pictures on Pinterest today.


Prior to today, I only came across  pictures of embroidery, crochet , fashion etc according to my Crafts interests, but these pictures today are just a sad reminder that the internet is a reminder that whatever is happening at the border won't look good for Native Latin-Americans seeking refuge in the US unless the authorities address the poverty and hurricanes pushing people further to the American border.

It is not like these people had no gold , had no Science, had no community, to my knowledge even without bags or plastic, Native Latin-American women will carry fresh bleeding meat to local markets in an attempt to make money, also they are very resourceful, perfectionist crafters and embroiderers who make all their clothes by hand if they have to and comes out perfectly.

The Native Latin Americans gave their blood and soul to their societies and communities throughout history, yet the Spaniard Catholic missionaries and military men stopped at nothing to massacre them for gold, cocoa and coffee beans.

Is not like these people are not intelligent , family oriented, community oriented, clean and caring. They are and can be all that and should be seen as a bonus to America.

The US in the past recognised this potential, this vein for hard work and general happiness and made Spanish language a second language, visible in maps, notice boards etc.

Is regrettable that gangs took over these massive exodus from Latin America into the US because the reality is that Latin Native American women won't be selling drugs on the street or making babies for different men two in two years, they are either doing crafts and embroideries while looking after their children  or working out of the home.

You won't see Native Latin - American women smoking weed, they will be occupied, even if mending a sock, is just their nature, is just their fibre, pretty much like Irish women, so I do not understand the hostility towards the border crisis if we exclude the gangs taking over this migration route. 

There are many illegals in America from Africa, Asia, Haiti and the Caribbean, working public service jobs, yet nobody is checking their status or promoting a media campaign against them.

Native Latin Americans don't have children brothels in their country, India has institutionalised Children brothels, yet all we see in the extreme right media is how Native Latin Americans like Hondurans, Colombian minorities etc, are flooding the borders with children for sale. 

Children of hungry, starving people who had no chance but to send their kids, or even kids whose parents died in hurricanes, are making their way to the border - is not like they are entering with a fake passport and a kilo of cocaine .

I just find the Media campaign against these Native Latin-American Children a complete American horror movie that is closing in the children and putting pressure on local border authorities to release the children without any support. 

The problem with horror stories is while in tv screens you will only have a few nightmares. in real life evil, the nightmare will always get worst for those who are suffering a living hell and for those who are watching from afar without making sense of where is the reset button in the tv remote.

Ariane Brito

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