Tuesday, August 31, 2021


The wrist watch in the wrist of the most powerful man in the world, the President of The US, marches at the normal pace, 60 seconds per minute, 60 minutes per hour, from 00:00 midnight to 23.59 and then all over again , but time progresses in much of a formidable way in President Biden's watch because he is the leader of the most powerful nation on earth.

The watch was marching on while the funeral of 13 American soldiers took place in a very lamentable day for their families, friends and all who share their pain for the loss of their loved ones. 

However, the watch stopped when President Biden looked at it to check the time, during a tirade of insults thrown against him by  a family member of one of the victims of the Kabul airport bombing. 

The family member expected what we all expected, that all American soldiers would not be put in danger after the Taliban and the American Authorities had issued warnings about the risk of imminent bombing of the Kabul airport by ISIS . 

The public expected that no British and American troops would be killed as the bombing was imminent, predictable and preventable. However, this was not the case and the family members of the American victims were left with a void regarding who is responsible for this negligence which cost their loved one's lives.

The family member of one of the victims insulted President Biden because wanted answers there and now, and the seconds which followed progressed in Mr Biden's eyes not because he was checking how long the funeral was taking, but how long will it be until the results of the withdrawal of the American and British troops from Afghanistan produce ideological fruit.

If we bring President Biden's watch back to how it all began for the US occupation, we are taken to 2001 when Afghans ran back to the caves which sheltered them since ancient times. We are taken back to when the US troops were landing daily in search for the 9/11 mastermind, Ben Laden.

It was an arrival of American troops which was labelled occupation, which constituted legal international occupation directed by a Conservative leader, President Bush, and which the withdrawal of troops was done less than a year after the US November 2020 Presidential elections that ousted a Conservative President and elected a Democratic leader, President Biden.

In the background of this Presidential transition was a year of civil unrest, of protests led by anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist, anti-racist movements and groups like ANTIFA and BLM ( Black Lives Matter).

In the sidelines of this Presidential election were endless meetings, conventions and conferences which I attended a few  to learn about the present status quo of politics and religion during the Cov-19 pandemic lockdowns. 

The Afro American National organizations, especially the NAACP and the Black Caucus , had speakers and groups specifically focused on the role of USA politics in the present imperialism or US military occupations abroad . The Chinese American political groups whose leaders attended many of these events were particularly concerned with white supremacy at the international level and how this reflected in the racism they were experiencing on a daily basis on the basis of the assumption that the Chinese were spreading Cov-19 because was " the China Virus" as labelled by President Trump.

All these organizations are under the rainbow umbrella of the Democratic party, which was in power when the US military captured Bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

Ironically, the US military was reported this week to be engaged in military conflicts against ISIS on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The embarrassing moment for the US troops in Afghanistan is no longer their hasty withdrawal but the fact that not only was Bin Laden apprehended in Pakistan but now as the troops depart back to the US, some American and British stay slightly behind to fight terrorists based in Pakistan.

This is a clear indication that the troops should not have been there in the beginning and now at the end, President Biden's watch marks the seconds from here to the elections where his party policies will be voted for on the basis of ideology and American lives saved by a hasty departure.

By other words, 13 lives lost only mean 13 seconds of many other American soldiers lives who made it back home safe to the arms of their families and many who will vote as a thank you note to President Biden for saving them from the same fate. Equally, Antifa and Black Lives Matter will be some of the most prominent movements and groups to rejoice with this withdrawal as the occupation meant imperialism and white supremacy .

Come the elections President Biden's watch will signal power, voting power, voting results and possibly, more four years for the Democratic party because the Conservatives have not counted the protests last Summer caused by ideology and race and how American international policies are still viewed as a direct result of the policies responsible for the racial problems affecting thousands of Americans.

Ariane Brito

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